A healthier you : Tips for a good night sleep

A healthier you : Tips for a good night sleep

How to improve sleep quality?

It is 9pm, your mind is free of any unwanted worries. Youโ€™ve picked up a light read to help you relax. There are lot of early morning responsibilities waiting and you dearly love your 8 hour sleep. But a small ping disturbs that calming rhythm. Not just disturbs, it calls for a plethora of changes in the bodyโ€™s normal functioning.

8 hours of unhindered, quality sleep is a must for great health and a beautiful life. Itโ€™s not just important to help us feel fresh but it is an important biological process playing an important role in various body functions.

Did you know what is impacting your sleep quality or what is hampering you from a good night's sleep? Then continue reading to know some realistic tips to improve your sleep. Mattresses have a very important role, have you tried SleepX mattress and pillows? #sleep #goodnight #sleepquality #mattress #bluelight #healthy #lifestyle

Are you aware of the impacts of poor quality or less sleep?

Doesnโ€™t lack of sleep for even a day make you feel somewhat dumb, more forgetful, and less attentive with those puffy eyes and visible ageing lines? I had reluctantly welcomed many such mornings few years back, when motherhood took a toll on my sleep patterns.

There are ample lifestyle and environmental factors contributing to sleep issues. Consequences of poor quality/less sleep are:

  • Brain Functions: Improper sleep impairs a personโ€™s reasoning, memory, concentration, responsiveness. It pushes you more into emotional distress.
  • Hormonal imbalance: All these impacts tweak the normal hormones and result in unwelcome imbalances in the body.
  • Reduces immunity: Making you more prone to bacterial and viral attacks.
  • Heart functions: Serious sleep issues and insomnia can put you at the risk of heart and cardiovascular diseases.
  • Blood pressure and diabetes are also in this trap.
  • Ageing: Poor and less sleep results in faster ageing, which you really donโ€™t want, right mamas?

Alas youโ€™re unknowingly handshaking with a whole gamut of lifestyle diseases.

Becoming a screen addict and co-sleeping with these devices have actually put our health at a risk. Letโ€™s discuss about some easy tips for better sleep.

A healthier you – Tips for a good night’s sleep:


Did you know what is impacting your sleep quality or what is hampering you from a good night's sleep? Then continue reading to know some realistic tips to improve your sleep. Mattresses have a very important role, have you tried SleepX mattress and pillows? #sleep #goodnight #sleepquality #mattress #bluelight #healthy #lifestyle

1. Exercise in the morning :

Start your day with a lot of exposure to bright sunlight and exercise, for keeping the circadian rhythm healthy. Ditch your closed AC rooms for few hours during the day. Avoid exercising before bed time.

2. Opt for Digital Detox, go for blue light filters:

Blue light at night? Our body thinks, it is yet a daytime. This hinders the secretion of โ€œMelatoninโ€, the sleep hormone, which is responsible for inducing and regulating sleep. Less of melatonin secretion, means less of quality sleep. Blue light is emanated from the Sun during the day (which is good) and by devices like your smartphones, monitors, and laptops. Use of these screens during bed time is most disruptive, as it throws off our circadian rhythms and derails sleep. Many studies have proved it, so say bye-bye to screens at least one hour before sleep time and donโ€™t see them for 8 good hours of your sleep.

You can also install apps that block/filter blue light on your smartphones.

3. A perfect mattress and pillow:

Did you know what is impacting your sleep quality or what is hampering you from a good night's sleep? Then continue reading to know some realistic tips to improve your sleep. Mattresses have a very important role, have you tried SleepX mattress and pillows? #sleep #goodnight #sleepquality #mattress #bluelight #healthy #lifestyle

Youโ€™re following all bed time rituals, yet facing sleep issues along with back and neck pain? Possibly your mattress and pillows are the culprits here. Having a good quality mattress is a must so why not upgrade to SleepX Fusion Mattress?

This sturdy Ace Mattress (5.5inch) comes with a Smart Topper (1.5inch). You have the choice of picking up the firmness that suits you (3 different variants). The Smart Topper is replaceable, so you can experiment with different firmness variants to find the one thatโ€™s best for you. Further, the Fusion Mattress is covered in a nano-tech treated fabric, which keeps the allergens, bacteria at a bay and is easy to clean after unexpected spills.ย 

Honestly, are you able to do that to your existing mattresses? No, right?

Thatโ€™s why SleepX sleep solutions are reinvigorating and aimed at gaining our precious sleep back. Fusion Mattresses have evolved basis our sleep needs. Not only are they adding up to the beauty of your room, but also giving you healthy handcrafted sleep solutions. You have the option to choose the length and breadth of your mattress basis your bed frame with a warranty of 12 long years! Whoa.ย 

So, sleep like a child and get up refreshed with a smile.

4. Before Bed time Rituals:

Did you often notice that a lukewarm shower after a hectic day helps you have great sleep? After that shower, pull out a soothing read (donโ€™t opt for thrillers), maintain an optimum bedroom temperature, switch off all the lights, be free of any worries and let your eyes relax. Meditate for the peace of mind. Donโ€™t let that stress take over your sleep for long.

5. Food Indulgences:

Light protein rich dinner, at least 2-3 hours before bedtime is the key. Quit caffeine, nicotine, alcohol intake at least 3-4 hours before going to bed. Caffeine worsens the sleep quality if taken in large amount in the evenings as it has stimulating effects on the body.

Take lukewarm milk before sleep, as milk has an amino acid – tryptophan, which promotes sleep.

Also, maintain your sleep schedules. I try to keep my bed time from 10pm to 5am. And my body clock is tuned to this schedule, even on the weekends. It changes, but honestly, very less. Being consistent in going to sleep and waking time, give you quality sleep.

How about you dear readers? Are you facing any sleep issues? How are you maintaining a good quality sleep for yourself? Share in the comments below.





Quest to live the life surrounded with the charming little bundle's of joy. When they speak, I sing, When they smile, I rejoice , When they hug, I hold them never to lose, Such is my passion for these Gifts of God.This love urged me to navigate separately from my Travel Blog & establish an "All-In-One" Blog for budding mothers. Mum's have multi-tasked this world ,with all her professional commitments , she still makes an extra effort to be a loving, caring and be an intellectual mommy! Cheers, for me too come from the same fraternity, post having a superb academics & close to 8 years of professional experience and blessed with a little one "who has indeed changed my life from Autumn to Spring";)

This Post Has 29 Comments

  1. Sajid Akhter

    Hi Jhilmil,

    Great article. Much needed in today’s lifestyle. These suggestions are worth gold and should be followed to have a healthy and happy life. Sleep is an important aspect of our daily routine. With so much things around, we tend to neglect it nowadays. However, proper sleep rejuvenates you and gets you ready for the next day’s challenges.

    Thanks for sharing, have a good day. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Airene

    Thanks for sharing this. I’m an insomniac and nothing can get me to sleep. I’ll also go ahead and purchase the sleepx fusion mattress.

  3. Neha Sharma

    This is such a wonderful article, Jhilmil. I suffer a lot of sleep problems as I have no fixed sleep schedule. I often wake up with pain in my back and neck. Sometimes I don’t even use a pillow, change my sleep positions but nothing seemed to work. I think I need to change my mattress.

  4. A good nights sleep is imperative on so many levels. I mysef am guilty of being up late in nights to finish blogging and such. I should sleep on time too ๐Ÿ™

  5. Mrinal Kiran

    Giving up my urge to check the phone and eat snacks, helps me to sleep! I usually have a tough time sleeping due to weird sleeping habits that keep changing everyday… Somedays I wake up at 5 somedays at 10! Now I know I need to workout a bit and eat light and go one a phone detox!

  6. Rohini James

    Thanks for highlighting some of the tips to help one get a good sleep. For me, a good mattress is needed for my back issues.

  7. Siddhi

    I am an insominiac so you get it how important this blog post is for me! I loved all your tips. In fact even my shrink told me a digital detox for a sound sleep is a must. Will try the other ideas shared here.

  8. Hey, i am actually looking online for a few mattresses for my Mom’s place. Will definitely check out the recommendation. Thanks jhilmil

  9. Akanksha

    Aah I need to replace my mattress and pillows. They indeed can change our sleeping patterns and if we sleep well, we expect a better overall health. Thank you for sharing x

  10. Priyanka

    A perfect mattress and pillow definitely necessary for a perfect sleep… I always love to carry my pillow everytime I travel… It’s sounds funny but it is true

  11. Bushra

    A good mattress is must for sounds sleep and health. SleepX Fusion Mattress looks promising and comfortable for a sound sleep.

  12. Hema

    This is such a brilliant article. Totally needed in today’s busy life. Many don’t realize the importance of good sleep. A good mattress is must for a relaxed and peaceful sleep. .

  13. Nisha

    Not just one, but all the tips you mentioned above are essential for a sound sleep. It’s also important to have a nice routine so that body gets accustomrd to sleeping hours.

  14. Ruchi Verma

    I am really looking for some article like this as I have so less sleep and your all points are so relevant and important to be healthy and get good sleep

  15. Deepa

    A perfect night sleep is very important to stay healthy. A good mattress and pillow makes a huge difference.

  16. Mary

    Great advice! It really helps to fall asleep. If you have a noisy city outside the window, you can add a soothing noise. I have this light noise of the surf, very relaxing.

  17. Gurjeet Chhabra

    its my daily routine to bath before going to bed and that’s really help in good knight sleep

  18. Charu Chittwal

    Thank you for sharing such an informative post, Opt for Digital Detox, go for blue light filters was a point I was completely unaware of, will definitely share this blog with my friends too

  19. Neha Jain

    Good sleep is as important as anything for every Human being , all these tips are really helpful for good sleep

  20. Varsh

    Less or disturbed sleep can lead to physical as well as mental problems like fatigue and loss of concentration. A good mattress makes a huge difference.

  21. Snigdha Prusti

    These are some great tips to get sound sleep everytime. Phone detox is very important which I need to include in my lifestyle. I have really weird sleeping habit . I also need to workout.

  22. Deborah Miranda

    I so need this… i can be such an insomniac at times. Will definitely try out your suggestions and hopefully will help my sleeping pattern

  23. Sydney

    My heart issues, especially BP has escalated time and again because I suffer from insominia. Also there’s anxiety and panic attacks. These tips are helpful.

  24. Susan Thomas

    Sleep is something I land up depriving my body of as I am a always on the move kind of person. Never stopped to think it could be because of my mattress and it’s comfort. Shall check this out.

  25. Ishieta

    Excellent tips. . I absolutely agree that a mattress makes so much difference on one’s life.

  26. Ashh

    Mattresses do impact our sleep and choosing a correct one is so important to have a sound sleep as well as for our bones. After all, We spend so many hours laying on bed every single night..Fabulous post x

  27. Ana

    This is such an informative article Jhilmil. I have been suffering from really bad backache for quite a while now. NO balms or exercises seem to help. I think I should think about replacing my mattress now.

  28. Trisha Biswas

    Thanks for sharing this. Much needed article. I am gonna try these things for sure

  29. Helen

    Awesome, made this as an inspiration in my blog. Keep up the good work Jilmil.

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