Financial planning for women is often not discussed. Money Mantra tries to educate women on the need for Financial Independence and Financial literacy in today’s world. Being financially independent is the first step of being an empowered woman.

Popular Instant Personal loan apps in India

Instant Personal loan apps in India: In the last post under the Money mantra series, I discussed “How to arrange quick funds in case of an Emergency (and when you don’t have Emergency Funds). One of the most emerging trends from the last few years has been…

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How to arrange money quickly in case of an emergency?

How to arrange money quickly if there is an emergency? In the last post, I had shared about the necessity of having Emergency funds. As the saying goes, Hope for the best and prepare for the worst! The question arises as to how to arrange money…

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5 Reasons why you need an Emergency Fund?

Why do you need an Emergency Fund? I’m sure by now, you would’ve heard about the Emergency fund. If not, check out my last post, discussing the What, Why, How, When of the Emergency fund. The reason this post had to be penned is we all…

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What is an Emergency fund and why do you need it?

By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail ˜Benjamin Franklin As per CMIE [Ref¹](Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy), approx. 18 million persons have lost their employment in April 2020. Losing jobs in the current turbulent times have added to the woes of Indians. A lot of…

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Why women should handle Financial Planning?

Money management for Indian women "You must gain control over money, or the lack of it will forever control you " - Dave Ramsey. In the last post, I had shared as to why I started writing on Money Management and Financial Literacy for women. While…

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Why women need to excel in Money Management?

Women are bad when it comes to "Managing Money", that’s a standard cliché, isn’t it? Women are more involved in browsing makeup and fashion sites, buying trendy wear, they are more concerned about their nails and hair. While men are (father/husband character) more into serious things,…

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Independence: How to raise Financially Independent Kids

Raising Financially Independent Kids: It is never "too early” to introduce the concept of Money Management to kids’. Even if you haven’t discussed directly with them, they hear how we talk about our finances at home, how our buying behaviors are determined. Raising Financially Independent children…

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Pregnancy Discrimination in the workplace

How to overcome Pregnancy Discrimination at Workplace? In the last post, we discussed the Life of a working woman. With thousands of ambitions, those eyes have always looked for ways to climb the corporate ladder. Though the business world showers one with ample opportunities to carve…

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10 tips for Money Management : Helping kids achieve Financial Literacy

Time to introduce Money management in Kids/ Savings! When I was small I often heard her say “ SAVE TODAY FOR PROSPEROUS TOMORROW”. Its now that I fully understand the reasons & practical implications of Money Management which made us save as little as Re1/-. It was an exciting…

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