Greenery day
Greenery day is here, on 4th May and I feel it is the right day to instil the love of nature and initiate the work to conserve the environment, farms and the greens around us. Atleast to me, this day reminds me of lot of work, we need to do as humans for this beautiful Mother Earth and Nature who has embellished us with the gems throughout. Being a “Nature Photographer” myself (follow my work), I feel nothing has motivated me more than the “Nature” itself!
Albert Einstein rightly said “Look deep into the nature and then you will understand everything better”! I feel Nature makes you believe in yourself, it hugs you and connects you to a deeper world.
There have been so many unsung heroes, who have been active in conserving the nature, preserving the environment, sanctuaries, rivers, and we are yet unaware of them and their work. Forget the appreciation and support, we are not even aware of the conservation work and the plight of our nature. But we are deep buried in our gadgets and social media’s. It is the need that we support these women, who are fighting for us and our future generations. And as we begin this journey of “Inspirational women” on mommyinme, let’s know more about an award-winning wildlife journalist “Prerna Singh Bindra”.
Related Read to bring children more closer to Nature : How to make children love Nature?
Prerna Singh Bindra : Wildlife journalist

She is a strong minded woman, a conservationist who has broken all the barriers and conquered the men’s space of being a “wildlife journalist”. She started her career out of love and passion for wild animals. Her belief that animals ought to be free and in the wild got her to do something unusual.
In her career of more than a decade, she has penned down thousand’s of articles on wildlife, their troubles, necessity to conserve the nature. She has raised her voice against the illegal trade of animal products, rampant poaching issues in the Indian Forests, man-animal face-off, and has researched a lot on the vulnerable and endangered species. She has raised her voice on numerous reserves which needs immediate attention before their crisis begins, one such being the Manas in Assam, which was the ‘original’ tiger reserves of 1973.
While the development of the smart cities is gaining the momentum, the conservation efforts seems to have been pushed back. She has been asking for the safe and voluntary relocation of Human habitats in close vicinity to the wildlife habitats. And this is one of the major step towards wildlife conservation. Be it tigers or endangered species or birds, wildlife needs that space to breed and the human hindrances have affected their population in a big way. She has reported to government to help people relocate by providing them support for all the amenities. She has also worked for the recovery programme of critically endangered species as “Great Indian Bustard, floricans, hanguls”. If the action is not taken, these species are sure to go extinct.
She has written many undercover stories and exposed the trades which were illegal as in “Ivory trade in Gujarat , the elephant massacre in Orissa”, and has urged immense Policy reforms for conservation of nature and wildlife in a country which is rich in Bio diversity.
Authored Books by Prerna Singh Bindra
Not just writings, her seminars, conferences, workshops has always hit the nail hard and have aroused the must needed awareness and policy reforms. She is part of a team of the National Tiger Conservation Authority, and has won the Carl Zeiss Award for the cause of wildlife conservation she has taken. There are many more awards in her kitty, and she has authored books like :
When I grow up I want to be a Tiger
The Vanishing – India’s Wildlife Crisis
Her books speak off the animals as a human, their tragedies and why every human, be it adult or a child need to understand their love, their plights and work together to safeguard our treasures, our animals and our nature! Follow her work here .
Let’s all join hands, to work towards understanding the real issues and in conserving our nature and wildlife! Remember,
When they are gone, when every last life has been stolen, how will you remember them? Extinction is forever, it cannot be reversed!
Stay awake, stay alert, save them!