How to reduce Separation Anxiety for Child Care

Howย Reduce Separation Anxiety of a child ?

How to reduce Separation Anxiety while a child goes to the Day care for the first time #childcare #daycare #separationanxiety

For those who have children, the first time you leave your child in the care of others is a very emotional time for mother and baby. We always think that nobody can take care of our child like a mother can, and because of this, we find it hard to let go. Separation anxiety can strike at different ages and at different stages of your childโ€™s development. Maybe it begins at a young age when you go to work, or it may happen when you leave your youngest at a child care facility, and they begin to cry. This is a difficult time, but it wonโ€™t last forever.

Here are some ways to reduce that anxiety for both mother and child :

1. Start A Routine

Get you and your child into a routine. Everything becomes easier when the child knows whatโ€™s expected and whatโ€™s going to happen. If you happen to be in Australia, you can choose from the many child care centres Brisbane parents send their kids to. Set up a morning routine and this will help them get ready for the change from home to child care. If they know whatโ€™s coming next, when you put them in their baby seat in the car, then it creates a routine that is comfortable for the child.

2. Learn To Say Goodbye

This is the most difficult, but it has to be done. You need to create a โ€˜good byeโ€™ scenario and it needs to be fun. Talk with the child care worker and maybe create a bye-bye toy window where mom and child can lean in and kiss goodbye. Maybe a little song can be created, that you will sing to each other as you get ready to leave. When your child finds it difficult to let go, you can use the bye-bye window to assist with this. It will take a little time, but it will work.

3. Be Happy

When dropping your child off, you need to make sure that you are not angry or upset. Kids pick up on this and they react to your individual mood. If momโ€™s unhappy then the baby is sad too, and this means your child may be concerned and thus act up. It doesnโ€™t matter how you feel when dropping off your child, be sure to smile and talk in positive tones.

4. Donโ€™t Forget Anything

When you drop off your kid, try to leave as soon as you can because delaying the goodbye can make it much more difficult for mother and child to separate. I know itโ€™s difficult, but it has to be done. Make sure that you donโ€™t leave anything behind like your keys, because the moment you step back into the room, then the goodbye routine needs to start again. If you do forget something, get one of the assistants to go back in and get it for you.

If your child is having real difficulties with separation anxiety, then ask for the help of the people who work in the child care centre. These people are professionals and they have been through this many times and have a wealth of experience dealing with these issues. Child care centres are great places for your child to grow and to make new friends and you know they will be safe there.


Quest to live the life surrounded with the charming little bundle's of joy. When they speak, I sing, When they smile, I rejoice , When they hug, I hold them never to lose, Such is my passion for these Gifts of God.This love urged me to navigate separately from my Travel Blog & establish an "All-In-One" Blog for budding mothers. Mum's have multi-tasked this world ,with all her professional commitments , she still makes an extra effort to be a loving, caring and be an intellectual mommy! Cheers, for me too come from the same fraternity, post having a superb academics & close to 8 years of professional experience and blessed with a little one "who has indeed changed my life from Autumn to Spring";)

This Post Has 20 Comments

  1. Vasantha Vivek

    Very useful tips for all young moms. You have listed it clearly.

  2. Mayura Amarkant

    This is a brilliant post! Will help all the mothers in metros and mini metros who go through a lot of anxiety themselves before putting the child in a daycare. Thank you for writing this informative post. Keep writing ๐Ÿ™‚ #AlexaTheIncredible #womenbloggerwb

  3. poornima m reddy

    very very useful tips, it will seriously helps alot for mom’s ., keep writing #AlexaTheIncredible #womenbloggerwb.

  4. Varsh

    Separation anxiety is hard on both mother and the kid. These are some good tips, Jhilmil. Learning to say goodbye is very important even when we drop them to school.

  5. Roshni Parate

    Such an amazing post for young moms. Being happy is very important.

  6. mamamusings_

    I feel most important is to feel just fine and tell yourself itโ€™s ok to feel uncomfortable when away with your child.

  7. Reetu

    These are so helpful for working moms. Although it is also difficult for a mom to part with her child, just as it is for the child herself. But your tips are helpful to both..!

  8. preety85

    Great words… Your post will be very helpful for working moms who are facing this problem everyday

  9. Ishieta

    good tips. easy to incorporate into the young one’s life.

  10. Jiya B

    I faced this issue 4 years back when my daughter began school. Now again I am in same phase as my son is ready to join school thiese tips are so well timed for me thanks i will surely try them out.

  11. Radhika

    Very essential for my Sister in Law to rea because my niece has very low tolerance for separation from her mother. Thanks for sharing!

  12. Mrinal Kiran

    I never thought about routines and bye bye windows! You have shared some Amazing ideas to prepare children for separation anxiety! โค

  13. Papri Ganguly

    Very helpful tips For working moms. I can relate with this post as I left my baby for my work when she was just 6month old. Initially it was too difficult, but slowly everything was becoming fine.

  14. Neha

    I would love to share this with all my working moms who have gone through this

  15. Namrata Kumari

    That’s a very helpful post for moms. I would spread the words.

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