Importance of Music for kids : Creative Development

And as we started singing,

Do – re – mi

Fa – so – la – ti – do

Do – re – mi – fa – so – la – ti – do!

Doe, a deer, a female deer

Ray, a drop of golden sun.

Me, a name I call myself

(Fa) far, a long, long way to run..

These sounds got me into the lanes of my beautiful childhood, when I started playing soft musical beats with my son few months back. These are the perfect notes to introduce a child to the soothing world of music. And none better if these rhythms are accompanied with the Casio Mini Keyboard to have those perfect tones.

Did you ever knew how music for kids is important for their development? Begin with Casio Mini keyboard and then move on with better instruments or your child's creativity and Intellect #music #child #positiveparenting #creativechild #casiomini

โ€œMusic gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everythingโ€ – Plato

And these words of Plato are indeed magical. Learning to play a musical keyboard is much more than just a hobby for kids. While parents have been consistently focusing on classes as drawing, sports, studies, for kids we need an extra focus to add โ€œLearning Keyboardโ€ to our kids schedules.

Did you know that playing music, keyboard helps children boost up their Intellect and EQ? The direct correlation between brain and music has resulted in a new branch of study called neuromusicology.

Science behind Music and Brain Development :

From an early age, children are highly responsive to various melodies and rhythms. Thatโ€™s why musical toys and rhymes play an important role. Music activates the neurons and develops an intricate neural network. As per PubMed, early (start before 7 years) and continuous music training is related to higher white matter in the brain. White matter not just connects the neurons, but it is important for efficient information procession, more so, typical of normal cognitive skills. And thatโ€™s where you get thumbs up!

Kids and adults who learn, play and listen to music have bigger, better connected, more sensitive brains.

As per Medical news today, just half an hour music lesson increases blood flow in the left hemisphere of the brain. Hence music training in early stages goes a long way in overall development of kids.ย 

Benefits of Music for Kids :

1. Developing Intellect :

Various studies have proved that kids who play music score high on cognitive development tests. Music helps a child in the areas of Math, logical reasoning and spatial intelligence as well. Music stimulates areas concerned with reading, learning and emotional developments. Hence it results in sharpening the memory.

2. Enhances Concentration :

Attention Span: Understanding the notes, rhythms, reading a piece of music involves a lot of focus. Translating these signs onto the keyboard /other instrument helps them analyse and enhance attention span.

3. Emotional and Social Well-Being :

Playing music has a calming effect on children. Music results in the trigger of motivational neurotransmitters, which give a sense of good feel and helps in reducing stress. Kids feel more confident and motivated. Learning music is not an easy task and when kids excel in it, they gain that esteem. Learning music in group classes enhances their communication and social skills. Going musical helps them learn life skills of rejoicing with groups; it makes them aware of team work and develops group appreciation. Music also has therapeutic effects on children having attention deficit syndrome, Autism (white matter abnormalities are seen in autistic child).

4. Enhances Creativity :

The learnings start with predefined notes, but children slowly start forming different patterns of music. Usually kids with music element built in their growth pattern have better creative solutions. Itโ€™s a discovery of self-learning and exploration for them.

5. Patience and Better Coordination :

Music learning involves a lot of stages. You need to learn how to move fingers, when to have high and low notes and lot more. This requires dedication from a child and the complete learning span inculcates patience. It requires the movement of fingers and thus results in better coordination (brain – eye-fingers) and motor skills.

So, mamaโ€™s and papaโ€™s, Iโ€™m sure you would have witnessed the magic of music yourself, so why not start the musical journey of kids with this Casio Mini Keyboard, right from your kidโ€™s room? Let me tell you itโ€™ll be no turning back from this creative pursuit.

Did you ever knew how music for kids is important for their development? Begin with Casio Mini keyboard and then move on with better instruments or your child's creativity and Intellect #music #child #positiveparenting #creativechild #casiomini


Enjoy the Music,

XoXo, Jhilmil


Quest to live the life surrounded with the charming little bundle's of joy. When they speak, I sing, When they smile, I rejoice , When they hug, I hold them never to lose, Such is my passion for these Gifts of God.This love urged me to navigate separately from my Travel Blog & establish an "All-In-One" Blog for budding mothers. Mum's have multi-tasked this world ,with all her professional commitments , she still makes an extra effort to be a loving, caring and be an intellectual mommy! Cheers, for me too come from the same fraternity, post having a superb academics & close to 8 years of professional experience and blessed with a little one "who has indeed changed my life from Autumn to Spring";)

This Post Has 43 Comments

  1. Dipika Singh

    How true, music is solace for me. And I see my daughter is also inclined towards it. Music has positive effects on child development and surely therapeutic too.
    Casio is the best gift we can give to kids, I will look for this for her upcoming 6th.

    1. Jhilmil

      Indeed, Music is therapeutic as well, it calms down a baffled child so easily. Wow, that would be a great gift for her 6th:)

  2. Deepa

    I agree with you that mysic helps in increasing concentration and coordination in kids. It’s really helpful.

  3. amazon coupons

    This is also a very good post which I really enjoyed reading. It is not every day that I have the possibility to see something like this.

  4. Varsha Gode

    Music is utmost peace for me ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you for this heads-up post, dear! You have mentioned some truly important points above.

  5. Papri Ganguly

    Agree that music makes magic. It does help in overall development of a child.

  6. Minakshi Bajpai

    Totally agree with you. music is extremely helpful in building up children’s confidence and also good for mental health.

  7. Varsh

    Music is soothing and can be used to calm as well as aid concentration. For kids, it can be a great mental and spiritual stimulator too.

    1. Jhilmil

      Exactly Varsha, and it has been proven scientifically as well.

  8. Anchal

    Music is a great method for development in children, I will introduce piano to my son soon

    1. Jhilmil

      Indeed, you’ll se a very happy kid once you introduce:)

  9. Roma

    Canโ€™t agree more buddy. I and my child both love music. Till now we were high on karaoke but now I feel itโ€™s high time I gift him a keyboard to check his inclination. Thank you for the worthy recommendations.

    1. Jhilmil

      Indeed, I used to play music on Keyboard when I was a kid and wish to do the same for my son:). Thanks for coming by

  10. I am a big believer in the fact that kids need to learn atleast one musical instrument growing up. I myself learned on a Casio decades ago.

  11. ade young

    Music has reall a lot of benefits. I was also told that it develops intellect that is why I always let my baby listen to classical music and nursery rhymes.

  12. Mayuri Nidigallu

    So glad you shared this, Jhilmil. I had no idea music could help children so much.

  13. Marilyn

    Music is excellent in so many ways. I love to listen to music at any time. It helps me focus for some reason. I am ADD if that makes a difference ?.

  14. Shilpa Garg

    Well said, music is an essential part of every child’s development. While my son learnt and played Casio as a kid, he hasnt touched it in years. But there’s music, songs and dance that compensates ๐Ÿ˜€

  15. Alison Rost

    Music, like play, does so much for a child’s intellectual development, that’s why doctors recommend that we listen to music while we’re pregnant. I completely agree with all these. The earlier you expose your child to music, the better!

  16. Mary Burris

    Music is such an essential part of one’s well-being. Introducing music to children at a young age is extremely vital and important. Teach them at a young age to appreciate all the genres and you will have happy, healthy children.

  17. Priyal

    I never knew about this fact of music for kids. Thanks for letting us know about it..will definitely gonna teach my kiddos

  18. Geethica Mehra

    Music enhances concentration. Listening to music soothes us emotionally and instills patience in our nature.

  19. jhilmildsaha

    I absolutely agree to all the points you have mentioned here. Patience and concentration are quite a challenging concept for kids as they get bored soon. Music is definitely helpful.

  20. Mrinal Kiran

    I Truely Believe in the power of music.. it heals.. it awakens.. it relaxes… Teaching kids the importance of music is a great thing! I am planning to gift my cousin a casio keyboard!

  21. This is the same that our doctor advised us. Music is indeed important for child development. Thus, we play classical songs while the baby is sleeping and try to sing some songs during playtime.

  22. Kapila

    Completely agree with you. And I am super excited bad glad that my girls love music

  23. alpanadeo

    I agree, music plays a big role in the development of a child. We don’t realize but when we just do humming, that is also music. Later the child recognizes the same and repeated humming.
    Both my kids are inclined towards music in some way or other.

  24. Judy

    I have very fond memories of learning Casio in the music class during summer holidays. I still have that small casio with me for my son.

  25. A very insightful post. Specially for the upcoming generation because I’ve seen so many new mommies handing over their phones to the kids to soothe them. A musical instrument sounds like a far better option.

  26. Move on Space

    I wasn’t aware of these benefits of music to kids. Really a helpful post.

  27. Priyanka Patwari

    Learning songs help children learn and remember important educational concept, I truly believe it.

  28. Michele Dennis

    As a singer and songwriter my children were exposed to music before they were even born. They grew up in a very musical home, full of many musical instruments for them to play. Music is food for the soul.

  29. Cristina

    Some of my fondest childhood memories are of my family gathering around a keyboard or guitar and singing together. I wish I had learnt piano properly!

  30. Akamatra

    You are right. We listen to music – mostly heavy metal – all the time and my daughter loves it!

  31. Laura Dove

    I think it is so important for our children to learn music, I really want mine to learn a musical instrument from a young age. My eldest son has no interest though!

  32. Mommy Sigrid

    I have to agree. My eldest is musically inclined. She takes voice lessons, too. And she is very creative.

  33. Manisha Garg

    Music is really therapeutic for a child. It has so many positives, as a child my grandparents made it a point that we all learn at least one musical instrument and build it as our hobby.

  34. Joy Butler

    You did a great job of explaining how important music is. I believe that even during our pregnancy, music is already playing a vital role in our kids’ progress and development. You are right in saying that music has a calming effect on children, as well as on adults!

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