Importance of Pre-primary education in Child development

The quantum of scientific researches on early brain development has indicated the importance of a child’s early years. Studies have reflected upon how early development affects mental and physical health, behavior, and personality in later life. The reason is that the brain grows at a massive…

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Best Educational Toys for kids 2021

The millennial world is progressing towards an interesting use of technology and gadgets and today’s children are well versed with the technical know-how. Smart technology is raising this generation and it won’t be an exaggeration to say that the millennial generation is immersed in the technology.…

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Importance of Mental health and Online Child counselling

The COVID-19 pandemic has been the most troublesome phase. Not just adults, even kids are dealing with their share of issues. The ongoing stress, health factors, lack of socialization, consistently being indoors, has taken a toll on Emotional and Mental wellbeing. A study on the Impact of the…

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OTIS – The best neighborhood school

A neighborhood school for my child I remember that first day of my child’s school when tears rolled down my cheeks. While my face seemed cheerful, my heart had a different story to tell. The first day of kindergarten and formal schooling can be strenuous especially…

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Tips to Minimize Negative Impact of Divorce on Children

How to minimize the negative impact of Divorce on Children? Divorce is a very emotionally challenging process for parents. As two individuals, who have spent a certain time of their lives together, it can be exhausting. However, at the same time, it can have a negative…

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A comprehensive guide to a flawless skin

Guide to Flawless Skin: Life has been a crazy turbulence in the past few months! Being the woman of the house comes with ample responsibilities. Donning multiple hats at the same time, as a professional, a content creator, a mom, often adds stress to my day-to-day…

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