Simple and Fun Ways to Teach Kids About Money

Understanding the value of money is an essential life skill, and teaching kids about finances early on sets a strong foundation for their future. But how do we make the topic engaging and accessible to young minds? Here are some simple and fun ways to teach kids about money:

  1. Use Real-Life Examples: Start by introducing money in everyday situations. Take them grocery shopping and involve them in budgeting decisions. Show them the prices of items and explain how much things cost. This hands-on experience helps children understand the connection between money and goods/services.
  2. Create a Money Jar: Set up a jar for savings, spending, and sharing. Whenever they receive money, whether it’s an allowance or a gift, encourage them to divide it among the jars. This teaches them the importance of allocating money for different purposes, like saving for a goal, spending wisely, and giving to others in need
  3. Play Money Games: Including specific games from MortgageCalculator’s money games provides a direct reference for parents and educators to access these interactive resources for their children’s financial education. My boy loves their tailored engaging games like,

a. “Counting Money”: This game helps kids practice counting and identifying American dollars & coins. It presents various scenarios where players must count the correct amount of money, and once done, it also awards the child with a toy. Once my child answers 10 questions, he moves to the next level. It’s super fun for us and a fantastic tool to strengthen my child’s understanding of currency values.

b. “Supermarket Numbers”: In this game, children get hands-on with”Arithmetics”. It’s an interactive way as you enter into a supermarket and you have your goal displayed. There are blocks (addition, subtraction, and multiplication, division as you advance), that you need to add up to achieve that number goal. It is super fun, keeps kids hooked, and is certainly great as a mixed bag to achieve the goal.

c. “Treze Coins”: This is a simple addition game where there are different coins, which you sum up as per the goal and deposit into a gumball machine. This is helpful for younger kids who are learning simple additions.

Not just these, there are a lot of engaging games on MortgageCalculator, some Farming simulations, Restaurant Simulation & more. Encourage kids to explore these games, as they provide a hands-on, interactive experience that supplement in their fun ways to Teach Kids about Money

4. Set Up a Pretend Store: Use toys or household items to create a mini-store at home. Assign prices to each item and give your child play money to “buy” them. This interactive role-play allows them to understand the concept of buying and selling while managing their money.

5. Teach Budgeting: As kids grow older, introduce the concept of budgeting. Give them a small allowance and encourage them to plan how they’ll spend it. Guide them on dividing their money for essentials, saving, and discretionary spending. This instills responsibility and wise money management habits.

6. Discuss Wants vs. Needs: Differentiating between wants and needs is crucial in understanding money. Engage your child in conversations about what they truly need versus what they want. This helps them prioritize spending and make informed choices.

7. Involve Them in Family Finances: Depending on their age, involve kids in family financial discussions. Show them how bills are paid, explain a budget, and discuss the value of saving for bigger expenses like vacations or future goals. This transparency builds their financial literacy.

8. Encourage Entrepreneurial Skills: Encourage their entrepreneurial spirit by supporting small ventures like a lemonade stand or selling handmade crafts. This teaches them about earning money, managing costs, and customer service.

9. Use Technology: Several apps and online tools cater to teaching kids about money. Apps like “Bankaroo” simulate a virtual bank to manage allowances, savings, and spending, providing a hands-on financial experience.

10. Lead by Example: Children learn best by observing. Set a good example by demonstrating responsible money habits yourself. Discuss your financial decisions with them and show how you save, budget, and make wise purchases.

You can read more on Fun Ways to Teach Kids About Money & raising financially independent kids here.

Much Love,


Jhilmil: Quest to live the life surrounded with the charming little bundle's of joy. When they speak, I sing, When they smile, I rejoice , When they hug, I hold them never to lose, Such is my passion for these Gifts of God. This love urged me to navigate separately from my Travel Blog & establish an "All-In-One" Blog for budding mothers. Mum's have multi-tasked this world ,with all her professional commitments , she still makes an extra effort to be a loving, caring and be an intellectual mommy! Cheers, for me too come from the same fraternity, post having a superb academics & close to 8 years of professional experience and blessed with a little one "who has indeed changed my life from Autumn to Spring";)