Micronutrients: The Building Blocks for Healthy Growth of Infants

Time to focus on Micronutrients for kids!

Importance of Micronutrients for children

Here is some ‘food for thought’ – it is time you put some thought on the food your little one consumes as a part of his/her daily diet. Food choices have a profound influence on your child’s health, and negligence can result in adverse outcomes, such as micronutrient deficiency.
In present times, micronutrient deficiency is a serious challenge to an infant’s mental and physical health. The deficiency is caused due to a lack of essential vitamins and minerals in your baby’s diet. Inadequate amounts of micronutrients weaken the immune system of a child making him/her more susceptible to infections. Furthermore, these health risks are also the biggest causes of growth delay in children, around the world. It is a matter of grave concern and therefore, requires immediate attention by parents and/or caregivers, to avoid the situation.

Our Role :

Parents play an important role in the growth years of a baby, by making choices on behalf of them. So, they should be very cautious while making the food choices, for their newborn baby. Your choices will directly affect their growth and development. Hence, a smart and wise approach is required here. Choose foods that have an appropriate balance of macro and micronutrients, according to the requirement of your baby, which you can comprehend in a proper manner, after consulting a pediatrician.

Right sources of micronutrients :

Once you know the requirements, it is time to include the right sources of these micronutrients in your child’s diet. For example – milk and milk products are good sources of calcium, whereas, chicken, beef and yoghurt are rich in zinc. Apart from these, food supplements or formula foods are also good choices to feed the baby. The key is to distribute these, in different meals for your baby, throughout the day. Zinc and vitamin A play an important role in proper functioning and strengthening of the immune system, while calcium is required for stronger bones and support growth and development. Similarly, each micronutrient has a different and crucial part to play in your baby’s growing years. Try to keep each
meal as healthy as possible while also maintaining variety in the food choices. The first three years are the most important for proper growth of your baby, and it is when they require maximum care and attention. The efforts made during this time will benefit the child, for many years to come.

Be a smart parent and make the right choices for your child, to support his healthy growth.



Quest to live the life surrounded with the charming little bundle's of joy. When they speak, I sing, When they smile, I rejoice , When they hug, I hold them never to lose, Such is my passion for these Gifts of God.This love urged me to navigate separately from my Travel Blog & establish an "All-In-One" Blog for budding mothers. Mum's have multi-tasked this world ,with all her professional commitments , she still makes an extra effort to be a loving, caring and be an intellectual mommy! Cheers, for me too come from the same fraternity, post having a superb academics & close to 8 years of professional experience and blessed with a little one "who has indeed changed my life from Autumn to Spring";)

This Post Has 24 Comments

  1. stephaniesherlock

    Thank you for this valuable insight. I couldn’t agree more. My husband and grand daughter are addicted to yoghurt, it is a staple in our home. Her second favorite food is chicken. We also keep a large bag of whole carrots in the fridge at all times, this is her favorite snack. Apples, raspberries, grapes, and strawberries, and nuts are also a great addition. I admit, she has pancakes and cereal for breakfast.

  2. Pupil of Love

    Such an insightful article! We have to ensure we are giving our children the best food. Full of everything they need to function.

  3. Meghan Tucker

    Such great tips and suggestions. Thanks so much, Happy New Year

  4. Lacy

    Totally agree! I hide vegetables into my daughters favorite foods where you cannot even taste them. I trick my husband too into eating veggie lash a too. It’s crucial to feed our kids well rounded meals!

  5. Ashley Peavey

    This is great information! I definitely need to do better the it comes to making healthy meals for my kids!

  6. Charuka

    Such a great article with good suggestions! I would be sharing this with my sisters! Thanks heaps ❤

  7. viharin

    Micronutrients are very important for a child’s development. Thanks for putting in details about rich sources of micro nutrients

  8. PanacheMania

    Such an informative post and I strongly believe that we are what we eat.

  9. Minakshi Bajpai

    Micro nutrients is one of the biggest factors in a child’s growth year, and you have given the best details on it.

  10. Angela

    Thanks for sharing. Healthy eating for baby and parents as well

  11. jhilmildsaha

    Its a very informative article. Most of us are not aware of this

  12. Ekta

    Most foods today are adulterated. Micro nutrients is possibly essential if your child is a picky eater. Good Nutrition is irreplaceable by today’s normal junk food


  13. thebeautytymscom

    Tynx for sharing such an informative post…its so true… We should keep a track on the nutritional facts of food too. Early years are really the base for their better development… N yes its easy to feed them too..latr on they become very choosy abt their food habits.

  14. Reetu

    You are so right in saying that micro nutrients are so important for growth and maintaining good health. These work wonders across all age groups.

  15. Gleefulblogger

    Micro-nutrients are in fact more important than the macro-nutrients. Love that you have shared this informative post with all, would make sure to have segregated food inclusion for my little kid.

  16. Blogsikka.com

    True micronutrient are super awesome and they are really needed for one brain development

  17. preetjyotkaur

    Even though micronutrients are so beneficial we often miss out on making your that our kids get enough of those. Thanks for such an insightful post.

  18. worldofmakeupmagique

    That is so well written I’m sure every parent would be able to relate

  19. Priyanka Patwari

    Awesome post micronutrients are much needed for brain development.. love to read it

  20. Tosha Ornelas

    It’s so important to introduce ur kids to healthy nutritional foods at a young age so they grow up healthier. Great article!

  21. For the kids growth micronutrients are very important. This article is really very helpful for me.

  22. Misty Nelson

    I love this article! Micronutrients are so important and I love that you highlight the benefits of them and why children need them. A lot of mamas really don’t know how deficient their little ones daily diet may be

  23. Samar Jahan

    Very Informative article and I love this, it helps many mother to keep a proper diet for their new born baby. Thanks a lot for once again..

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